RepresenttheGreenBuilding, the newconstruction philosophywith a low environmental impactfor the health and well-beingof the people
We think, we design and produceinnovative solutionsgearedto the environment andtoimproving the healthand quality of lifethroughbuilding materials,eco-friendlyandnaturallybreathableto preventmajordiseasesresulting fromindoorair pollution.
Ourvisionis to representtheGreenBuildingasnewconstruction philosophywith a low environmental impact, promotea better qualityof livingglobally andhelping peoplelive better.
Decorative resin-cement for grouting tiles, mosaics and marbles in different colors of design.Grouting from 0 to 20 mm high strength joints, smooth finish, high hardness, water repellent with a drop effect.
ECO ProductsLaying Ceramic Tiles > line and natural stone Adhesives > SAS Technology for mineral Ceramic and natural stone > H40 No Limits (25 kg sack)